It is easy to hug if you hold down the points!

Hugging is easy if you hold down the points. Here are some of the basics of holding them, such as tips for holding them well and what you need to be careful about.
What kind of procedure is the correct answer?
When holding a baby, you need some tips, such as putting your hands on the right place.
In particular, it is important that the baby before the neck is sitting cannot support the head and head. Hold it carefully so as not to be injured or strain your body.

When hugging vertically, first turn to the baby's foot and tilt forward from the front.
Insert one hand under the back of the head to support your neck and head, and your other hand is under the buttocks. If you hug your baby to the chest, slide the hand on the buttocks, slide the side while tightening the side, and support the buttocks with your arms.
A vertical hold, also known as "Koala hugging". It is the correct form that looks like a mama dad's body, like a koala clinging to a tree.

Heart hugging is how to use it frequently from newborns, such as breastfeeding. Hug me from the side of the baby.
Before hugging, put your baby's hands in front of your body and cross your legs. This is because it gets caught or sandwiched in the body of Mama Daddy and does not cause unexpected injuries.
When you're ready, use your hands on the baby's foot to lift your head lightly and insert your opposite hand deeply. After supporting the neck and back of the head inside the elbow, the elbow is located along the baby's upper body so that it wraps around. The hand on the foot is released from the head and this time to the back of the knee. This also supports the back of the knee inside the elbow, and wraps the baby's body from the elbow.
It is an image that makes a large ring with your arm and wraps your baby.
What is this correct hug checkpoint?

Once you have a hug, check if your baby is in the right posture.
First of all, are both hands in front, and their legs are M -shaped? If your legs are stretched, there is a danger of hip dislocation. It is OK to cross like a cross or a shape that sticks to the soles.
It is not good that the baby's arms are cramped on the body side of the mom's daddy or the other side is down. Keep a bent state in front of your body.
The correct answer is that the back is a loose C curve. It is important to note that the burden will be greatly tired if it stretches or warps.
In addition, if your head is leaned backwards, you may hurt your neck, and your airway will be narrowed and will affect your breathing. Support your neck and head firmly so that your jaws do not rise.
It is also an important point that the body is not twisted or that the mama daddy and the baby's body are moderately adhered. If the baby's head and buttocks are distorted in a straight line, or the left and right twist, the baby's body will be burdened.
In addition, if the mama daddy and the baby's body are separated, it becomes unstable and lacks safety, making it easier to feel the weight and increases the burden on mama daddy. Tighten your side, relax and relax, and hold it close to your body.
Can you make the right posture with a hug?
It is a convenient hug string, such as reducing the burden of weight and emptying both hands to make housework easier, but it also helps to create a correct hug.

Baby & Me's hug "BELK-S First Set" is recommended because it can be used from the newborn and can be used for about 4 years, which is about 20 kg.
The Belk-S First set includes three points: a career part that wraps the baby's body, a waist belt type FIRST part that gently supports the baby's buttocks, and a hip seat.
Career parts have "head support" that support the neck, so it can be used for vertical hugs from newborns. FIRST parts can be adjusted for the crotch width, and if you put your baby's buttocks in a three -dimensional structure that can be made when small size is made, you can create a natural M -shaped leg posture.
The hugs that have the right posture by using it are nice for Mama dad, a beginner, but if it is easy to put on and take off, the hurdle will be even lower.

One of the parts of the Belk-S First set, the hip seats can be used alone, can be useful for horizontal support during the neonatal period, and when the hugs increase. Just wrap it around the waist and fasten the buckle, so it is convenient to wear quickly.
The hug in the hip sheet carrier is to sit on the pedestal, put the carrier parts on the shoulder straps on both shoulders, and fasten the buckle on the left and right shoulder straps. Because it can be easily attached as if carrying a rucksack, even dads who are not good at hugs can easily hug them. Since it can be attached and detached in just three steps, switching from face -to -face hugs to positive hugs is smooth. Around 7 months after birth, it is recommended to use a hip seat carrier when your waist is sitting.
Are you worried about returning?

When hugging, your baby may stretch your back or bend back. Sometimes your feet are tight or twist your body. Surprisingly, it may be surprising because its power is strong.
There are several reasons why the baby warps, but one of them is that they don't want to hug them. If you don't like hugging sideways, you may calm down if you change the way you hug, such as hugging your face positively.
The back muscles may be nervous and stiff. If you lay it in a flat place or your back is stretched when hugging, it will be stiff. Be careful to keep a natural C curve.
In rare cases, it may be strongly warped due to illness, but it is difficult to determine whether the warpage is a natural reaction, so it is necessary to have an inspection. If you are worried, such as being difficult to hug or take care of your daily life, you may want to consult your GP.
Is "hugging habit" a lie?

If you hug too much, you will have a habit, and if you cry, you will have a hug if you repeat it. You may have been told that way.
But recently, the mainstream is that skinships such as hugs are aggressive.
Holding your baby can get a sense of security. There are many survey data that reports the positive impact on development, such as a sense of trust between mama dads, such as mama daddy, and stabilizing emotions and stabilizing independence.
For babies who are difficult to change their position, they may be easier or comfortable to be hugged than sleeping. In order to remove discomfort and calm, if you are asked for a hug, it is a good idea to hug you aggressively.
If you are busy with housework and don't have time, you can use a hug. "Hugging" is an important communication for babies who can't speak words yet. Hug me a lot and feel the change of the baby that changes every day.
This is a comfortable hug life from a newborn to a hugging graduation♪
Check the 3style8way all -in -one hug on the official website by switching the parts!